St Mark's Episcopal Church, Newport
The Rev. Christine Moseley is St. Mark's Liturgical and Spiritual Leader. She, with the Sr. Warden Shari-Lee Ryan; Jr. Warden Ron Corkins; The Vestry; and the church's Support Members, work together sharing the Good News, both in person, and on Zoom.
Learn more about us
Giving – Stewardship, comes in many forms. Being a good Steward means helping where there's a need. Sometimes as a volunteer, sometimes making a financial donation. Giving of yourself, your time, your resources, for the Glory of God, makes a difference in the lives of everyone.
Learn more about stewardship
We would love to connect with you and get to know you more. If you would like to get in touch with the Priests or the Parish Admin. Coordinator, please call the office at 802-334-7365. There are other ways to connect with us as well, online.
Connect with us online

St Mark's Episcopal Church, Newport

Welcome To St. Mark's

We understand that visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating and even a little awkward. Which is why we are low-key and casual with our welcome. Whether that be in person or on Zoom.

Our Sunday service begins at 9:30 am. But we hope you will arrive/or sign on a few minutes early to chat with the Greeter and/or others who come early, to give us an opportunity to meet you!

Children are welcome anytime. When a baby babbles during the service, we like to think they are talking to the Lord or one of his angels! It’s never a problem.

You can look forward to good worship, music, and a community of people who are friendly and welcoming. Our services last around an hour and followed by Coffee Hour in the Parish House next door.

We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you here!

Service Times

Regular Sunday services are at 9:30 am in the church and on Zoom via Facebook (Find Us On Facebook).

Questions or Prayer Requests?

If you have any questions about our church or maybe you have a prayer request, please feel free to ask, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

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